Homeowners and Commercial or Personal Auto Insurance
Our Auto Insurance
Make sure you are covered with one of our personal or commercial auto insurance policies. Ruth Martin Insurance offers insurance for all types of vehicles, including full coverage of antique autos. Choose from annual and 6-month plans with options such as liability and physical damage.
Our insurance agent also takes care of the required SR-22 to prove your personal auto insurance plan is in effect. We have more than 30 years' of experience in personal and commercial auto insurance, as well as motorcycle and recreational vehicle plans. Contact us at 903-887-8887 today!
Safeguard your valuables and avoid a heavy financial loss by calling us today. Rest assured that you have the best possible coverage on your homeowners' insurance with the help of Ruth Martin Insurance in Gun Barrel City, TX.
From providing insurance for your single-family dwelling to a ranch on your property, we've got you covered. We are a member of the Chamber of Commerce.